Some of the good things, just a list:
Banksy wins Steeplechase, Gooey gets 2nd!
All good aframes! Mostly good rdw!
Many Qs in Advanced, Banksy is AD now and almost out of Advanced!
Banksy has less crazy behavior ringside!
Gooey says he loves Jumpers so much!
Banksy says she loves all the agilities so much!
We fixed biting my sleeve after a run when she can't find her leash!
No cops show up at Motel 6! No prostitutes hanging outside my door!
And some things to improve:
Startlines. The deterioration has happened.
The first day had sleeve biting when she couldn't find her leash.
And one time pants biting on some bad handling where she had to lay down and heel her ass straight out of Gamblers.
Teeter totters, a little creepy-divey.
Laying down on tables no fun.