Beneath a curated existence.

It would seem that we moved underground last month to a place where we would stay transparent enough to almost be invisible. We miss all of you loads! There are reasons for this. Don’t take it personal. I’m sure you didn’t even hardly notice we were gone. I just have some things that I have to do all by myself, where it is very, very quiet. Everything got too loud. A lot of the time, I’m too loud, and sometimes my own hollering butts into my ears.

We are nifty. Our life has agility and forests and ponies and pizza. I have learned how to stream netflix on the teevee. A mysterious spanish speaking family assdialed my phone late one night and left an epic voicemail that I am still deciphering. I use a string to measure many things. A good way to find me is via the Text because I don’t answer my phone.

Perhaps your summer vacation will lead you to my far west location, and I will see you in person. Yay! Unless you’re a creepy, loud talking, fat dog stalking, sunnuffabitch, in which case we will all run by you so fast you don’t even know what you just seen. Okie dokie? Hugs and kisses, over and out.