Team Small Dog explains the Bay Area Housing Crisis that is happening on my street and maybe yours, too.

It’s been a while since we’ve done some splaining, so we got some splaining to do. Have you noticed some of your friends are having to flee from their homes? Maybe to a new home, but sometimes, sadly, to a car or another state, or somewhere we don’t even know where.

Used to be, you went looking for a house to buy or rent. You checked it out, see if you like it. Maybe it’s in a nice location with a woodsy yard, mature landscaping. Maybe it even has 2 bathrooms in it. Hopefully a good roof and strong walls, doesn’t have to be fancy.

Maybe it had an outside deck, even, and is just a short distance from the beach. That would be the best case scenario, if you happened to have enormous luck. Everyone should have a good place to live.

The we had a thing called The Housing Bubble.

You know the bubble that Glinda the Good Witch floats around in? It’s like a car if you’re a fairy witch and riding a broom stick hurts your crotch. This is not that kind of bubble.

In this kind of bubble, everyone who works in the dotcom makes a million dollars at their job. It’s not even called the dotcom anymore. That was last bubble. This one is from apps, I do believe. Or whatever. It comes from the valley of the Silicon, which is a short car ride away. So the dotcom appkins can buy 2 houses if they want. Or just pay a million dollar for whatever house they want.

Even if it was a shitty apartment that already had a family in there, kinda squeezed in and all, but they called it home.

So then they get squeezed some more, into a littler and crappier place.

Like maybe they are all squeezed on to a shitty little piece of wood that now has the cost of One Million Dollars, too, and it doesn’t even have a roof or walls, or whatever. That’ll be, One Million Dollars and wait in line and hopefully you don’t have any pets or didn’t want to keep your kids in the same school or even want to stay til the next millionaire comes along to buy this one too.

That’s when, once again, everybody has to go, SCRAM. Scrambles for something new, something somewhere else. May the best millionaire win, and everybody else, good luck and best wishes to you on your new endeavor wherever and whatever that may be.