
Ouch. Banksy is still broken.

It all started with her crash in March. I gave her some time off just from agility and sprinting at the park, a couple of weeks. She looked ok to me! So we did some agilities with low jumps, all good! We did some with higher jumps, all good! Until they weren’t.

Her team suspects it’s her back. Her team is everybody who let’s me obsess over what is wrong with Banksy. Yep, I’m one of those. She has something ouchy somewhere in there, that only feels ouchy when it does.

She’s visited the doctor, she couldn’t find anything obviously wrong. She prescribed more rest. Next on the list is to visit a chiropractor, and after that would be the big guns doctor with all the fancy things.

So another rest, this time a big one. Much longer, much less doing of the things she likes. More doing of the things she doesn’t like, walking around on a leash.

Ouch. More hanging out around the house, more of less. Hopefully to get less broken.